Thursday, April 18, 2013

Valentines Card

I am starting this blog by posting my things that I have done in the last few months. I didn't have this set my before my granddaughter helped me to set it up. Thanks Maddie. I love you. xo

This is my very first attempt at using my Spectrum Noir Pens. I need a lot of practice, but it was still a lot of fun. :)

I made this Valentines card for my husband. He took it on the road with him. He put in on the visor so that he could see it every day. He is my biggest and most wonderful supporter. He called me the other day and was upset. Seems it had gotten really windy and had blown out the window at 60 mph. Good thing I had this photo saved. I have to make him another that looks just like it. He is so sweet.